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Pastor Matt Peachey



Brother Jeff Gibbs

Hello, and thank you for taking the time to visit our website. Please allow me the opportunity to give you some personal background and a testimony of God's leadership in my life.


I grew up attending church, but it was not until I was 28 years old that I recognized my personal need for a Savior. The Lord was gracious to help me move from an intellectual belief in the Gospel to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. After I was saved, the Lord began to reorder my life. God was working through my pastor's preaching and the private devotional time that I spent with God.


The Lord gave me the opportunity to serve as a Sunday school teacher and a deacon under the leadership of Pastor B.G. Boswell, at Calvary Bible Baptist Church in Newton Hamilton Pennsylvania. Pastor Boswell and Mrs. Phyllis invested in our family immeasurably as we sought to walk in obedience to God's Word.


In the summer of 2016, the Lord led my family and me to sell our home in Pennsylvania and to move to Oklahoma City to attend Bible College. During my time in Bible College, the Lord burdened me for church planting in the East. He showed me that ministry is more than seeing people saved it is also about seeing people grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. In the spring of 2020, I graduated from Heartland Baptist Bible College with my undergrad in Pastor Studies and awaited the Lord's direction for our next step in ministry.


Through a process of time, the Lord led me to candidate at BTBC. When the family and I visited the church we were certain that the Lord was calling us to this specific church. I was called as Pastor of Bible Truth Baptist Church in June of 2020.


The Lord has given me a burden to see BTBC go forward for his glory. He has impressed it upon my heart that God's Word preached will meet the needs of people and change lives. I'm an imperfect example of God's ability to use mankind for His glory. He has a plan for your life too. I would be honored to have the privilege to be a blessing to you.

Hello, my name is Jeff Gibbs, and I am thankful for the privilege that I have to serve as the Youth Pastor at Bible Truth Baptist Church.  Here is a brief testimony of God’s working in my life.


I had the privilege of growing up in a Christian Home.  I grew up attending church with my family at Ripley Baptist Temple in Ripley, West Virginia under Pastor Rick Perrine.


It was at home and at church that I learned about sin and the consequences of our sin.  I also learned about who Jesus Christ was.  I learned that He came to this earth and died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins.  I realized that I was a sinner and in need of a Saviour.  It was at the young age of 5 years old that I trusted Jesus Christ to be my Saviour and to save me from my sins!


The Lord began working in my heart as a young person.  The Lord began burdening my heart to preach at a young age.  It was when I was 13 years old at a Youth Rally that I surrendered to God’s call on my life to preach!


I continued serving the Lord at Ripley Baptist Temple through my teen years, and then the Lord led me to attend The Crown College of the Bible in Powell, TN in the fall of 2016 for further training.  I graduated in 2020 with my bachelor’s degree in Pastoral Ministries and in 2022 with a Master of Ministry degree.


The Lord then led me to Bible Truth Baptist Church to assist Pastor Peachey in the summer of 2022.  I am very grateful for the opportunity to serve the Lord here at Bible Truth Baptist Church!

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10 Pine St, The Plains, OH 45780



PO Box 73, The Plains, OH 45780


(740) 677-0159


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